Positive House

The village of Taús, in the catalan Pyrenee, embrace Cal Rossa, a rural acommodation destined to the tourism that generates more energy than the one consumed during the whole year.

It’s an efficient construction made in wood with 3 floors and 300 m² that opened its doors to the public on the 8 july 2017 and has acommodation for 23 guests. Because of its construction in efficient wood, the energetic savings compared to a traditional building it’s about 90%..

The photovoltaic roof made with solar panels of 5 kw generates more energy that the one that’s consumed, energy that can have different uses, as for example bycicle charges or electric vehicles.

The structure all around Cal Rossa it’s completely of wood and has been designed, created and built by Fustes Sebastià, a company settled in Rialp, in Pallars Sobirà, and specialized in efficient wooden houses construcion.

To make this project real, the renouned arquitect Josep Bunyesc and the engineer Jordi Oliveres has investigated the energetic efficience. Both of them has also monitorized and analized the energetic working system of the house.

Economy and ecology in the same project

Promoted by three families of young entrepreneurs that descended from Taús, the project of Cal Rossa wants to revitalize economically the territory in an innovative and respectfull of the environment way. Cal Rossa makes value the saving of emissions of greenhouse effect gases and the use of wood allows to store 1,4 tones of CO2 for every wood tone that has the building.

The objective is that the results of the positive house show that economy and ecology can go together, creating an energetic model that developes towards the autosufficience of the buildings.

Cal Rossa offers the ideal place to make free time activities bonded to the nature (fauna, flora, geology, etc.), routeson foot, by bike, BTT or 4×4 to see the surroundings of Taús. It will also allows the guests to acquire proximity and/or ecologic products through our online store.

Technical features of the positive construction of wood

Created around the restoration of a straw loft and a stable, Cal Rossa raises over wood walls, specifically of light framework, forges and CTL stairs, a product fabricated by Fustes Sebastià and based in a compund of wood rolls that are glued in different lays, that draw a cross. These rolls are glued and treated under high shaping pressure until they become big solid wood plaques.

Fustes Sebastià works with wood from the catalan Pyrenees, basically pine tree and fir tree. Because of that, Cal Rossa has only these types of material.

As an efficient wood construction, Cal Rossa follows the technical features of an efficient house: south orientation, large and wide windoes that allow the sun light enter, ventilation circuits with heat recovering that take advantage of the warm air in the inside and a good insulation of thermic material, specifically wood fibre of 18cm for the walls and 25 cm for the roof. The roof that allows to integrate the photovoltaic panels, raises over the light framework.

Participating companies

Fustes Sebastià
Cooperativa Piro_NEGAWATT
Josep Bunyesc
Soler i Palau

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© 2024 · Cal Rossa · Taús · All rights reserved · Terms & Conditions · Cookies · Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià

PDR.cat 2020 PDR.cat 2022
Leader PDR.cat 2020

Implementació d’estratègies de desenvolupament local
Actuació del Programa de Desenvolupament Rural de Catalunya 2014-2022 cofinançada per:

Unió Europea Fons Agrícola Generalitat de Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya

Ajut rebut 2020: 4.034,10 € (43% FEADER – 1.734,66 € / 57% DARP – 2.299,44 €)
Títol de l’actuació: Adaptació dels espais comunitaris de Cal Rossa per àpats, celebracions, teambuilding

Ajut rebut 2022: 74.347,76 € (43% FEADER – 31.969,54 € / 57% DARP – 42.378,22 €)
Títol de l’actuació: Espai de workation ecoturístic a Cal Rossa Taús

Brama del cervol al boumort

Promocions Cal Rossa

La Brama del Cérvol 2024