Cookies are small computer files stored in the user’s computer that help us recognize the user. It helps the website to remember information about your visit, like your preferred language and other settings. That can make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you.

Cookies are essential for internet to work correctly by providing several advantages to improve interactive services, making web browsing easier. Cookies do not damage hardware but rather help us to identify and solve errors.

The following information will help you to understand the different types of cookies used:

  • Session Cookies: these are temporary cookies that are stored in browser cookie file until the user leaves the webpage, leaving no trace on the hard drive. Information obtained via these cookies is used to analyse how users interact with the website. This helps us to improve the web content and experience, making it more user friendly.
  • Permanent Cookies: These are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them every time the user visits the site. A permanent cookie has an expiry date. The cookie will stop working after that date.

The following is a list of the main cookies used in our web, namely:

  • Strictly necessary cookies are for example those that are used for correct web browsing or those that allow services to be carried out by the user or cookies that are used to insure that the web page content loads correctly.
  • Third party cookies such as those used in social networks or for complementary external content
  • Analytic cookies are used for periodical maintenance to offer the best possible service to the user. The main function is to collect information and report statistical data.

Relation and description of the cookies that we use on the web page:

The following table shows how cookies are used on our webpage:

Cookie Name Usage / More information Expires
Strict cookieconsent_dismissed Remember acceptance of cookies policy.
_icl_current_language Determines the language preferences of the user. 1 day
Third party __atuvc These cookies are associated with the AddThis social sharing widget that is commonly embedded on websites so that visitors can share content with a wide range of platforms, networks and shared resources. 1 hour
__atuvs 30 minutes
Analytic _utma We use Google Analytics on the website to track the activity on our website. Google Analytics cookies compile information and data on the habits of visitors anonymously. More information 2 years
_utmb 30 minutes
_utmc Session
_utmz 6 months
_utmv 2 years
_ga 2 years

Complementary guarantees – cookie management

As further complementary guarantee to the ones previously described, the registry of cookies could be subject to acceptance during the installation or update of the browser. Such acceptance can be revoked at anytime via the content configuration and privacy options available.

Many browsers allow a private mode to be activated through which the cookies are always erased after the visit. Depending on the each browser, this private mode can have different names. The following is a list of the most common browsers and the different names for “private mode”:

  • Internet Explorer 8 and superior; InPrivate
  • Safari 2 and superior; Private Navigation/Browsing
  • Opera 10.5 and superior; Private Navigation/Browsing
  • FireFox 3.5 and superior; Private Navigation/Browsing
  • Google Chrome 10 and superior; Incognito

Important Note: Please read the Help section carefully of your browser in order to find out more about how to activate the “private mode”. Users can visit our webpage even though their browser is in “private mode”, however the session might not be optimum and some functions may not work correctly.

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© 2024 · Cal Rossa · Taús · All rights reserved · Terms & Conditions · Cookies · Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià 2020 2022
Leader 2020

Implementació d’estratègies de desenvolupament local
Actuació del Programa de Desenvolupament Rural de Catalunya 2014-2022 cofinançada per:

Unió Europea Fons Agrícola Generalitat de Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya

Ajut rebut 2020: 4.034,10 € (43% FEADER – 1.734,66 € / 57% DARP – 2.299,44 €)
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Ajut rebut 2022: 74.347,76 € (43% FEADER – 31.969,54 € / 57% DARP – 42.378,22 €)
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