Spaces of Cal Rossa

They include a large room, jacuzzi, sauna, terrace on the ground floor and barbecue.

La Quadra

Where the cows had rested all their lives when they came home, today there is the multipurpose room with a fireplace and giant television that will serve as a common living room and space to organize workshops or activities, family celebrations, sessions of yoga, etc.

La Tolla

Where there had been the pig court all its life, today there is a water space made up of a jacuzzi, a sauna and two washrooms/changing rooms that will serve all the guests of the accommodation.


Where the machines had been all their lives after working in the fields, today there is an outdoor space, with a part of the porch, with tables and chairs to enjoy the outdoors.

El Bancal

Outdoor space, attached to the house with deckchairs, hammocks, poufs and barbecue.

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Leader 2020

Implementació d’estratègies de desenvolupament local
Actuació del Programa de Desenvolupament Rural de Catalunya 2014-2022 cofinançada per:

Unió Europea Fons Agrícola Generalitat de Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya

Ajut rebut 2020: 4.034,10 € (43% FEADER – 1.734,66 € / 57% DARP – 2.299,44 €)
Títol de l’actuació: Adaptació dels espais comunitaris de Cal Rossa per àpats, celebracions, teambuilding

Ajut rebut 2022: 74.347,76 € (43% FEADER – 31.969,54 € / 57% DARP – 42.378,22 €)
Títol de l’actuació: Espai de workation ecoturístic a Cal Rossa Taús

Brama del cervol al boumort

Promocions Cal Rossa

La Brama del Cérvol 2024