Welcome to Cal Rossa

Cal Rossa's project wants to recover and value the natural, cultural and ethnologic patrimony of Taús to open this land touristically, a land that less than a century ago was the land of 300 people and today they can be counted on the fingers of a hand.

Our accommodation

The accommodations at Cal Rossa have been made taking into account passive construction criteria and at the same time using sustainable energy sources, thus achieving maximum environmental respect for their natural surroundings. You will have the experience of living in accommodations that generate more energy than they consume…

Ecotourism in Boumort

Discover the natural surroundings of Taús at your own pace, you will live the experience of enjoying one of the most unknown and surprising areas of the Pyrenees. Landscape, mountains, fauna and traditions at your fingertips!

Guided activities

Let yourself be carried away to discover our surroundings, Cal Rossa is part of the Cooperativa Boumort Indòmit and together with the Refugi de Cuberes i Salvatgines, we have designed ecotourism products for you to discover the territory that surrounds us with Guiding, accommodation, meals and 4×4 transfers.

Self-guided activities

If you are one of those who want to discover the territory at your own pace, we have prepared a range of routes for you on foot, by mountain bike or 4×4 to choose according to your concerns.

Project and Sustainability

The Cal Rossa project aims to recover and enhance the natural, cultural and ethnological heritage of the town of Taús with the aim of making this territory known to tourists, which less than a century ago gave life to more than 300 people and today you can count them on the fingers of your hands.


Live the deer rut in Cal Rossa in Taús, Boumort.

The deer was part of the faune that lived historically in the Pyrenees before its extinction in this area. On the 1981 the species was reintroduced in the mountain range of…

Senderisme pel camí vell de les valls d’aguilar .

Amb l’activitat de Senderisme pel camí vell de les valls d’aguilar, descobrirem una de les valls més desconegudes del Pirineu i paisatges sorprenents.El camí vell…

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© 2024 · Cal Rossa · Taús · All rights reserved · Terms & Conditions · Cookies · Disseny web: Qucut Produccions + Marc Julià

PDR.cat 2020 PDR.cat 2022
Leader PDR.cat 2020

Implementació d’estratègies de desenvolupament local
Actuació del Programa de Desenvolupament Rural de Catalunya 2014-2022 cofinançada per:

Unió Europea Fons Agrícola Generalitat de Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya

Ajut rebut 2020: 4.034,10 € (43% FEADER – 1.734,66 € / 57% DARP – 2.299,44 €)
Títol de l’actuació: Adaptació dels espais comunitaris de Cal Rossa per àpats, celebracions, teambuilding

Ajut rebut 2022: 74.347,76 € (43% FEADER – 31.969,54 € / 57% DARP – 42.378,22 €)
Títol de l’actuació: Espai de workation ecoturístic a Cal Rossa Taús


Promocions Cal Rossa

Per estades en parella o fins a 3 famílies – Agost 2024